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Victor Wembanyama Wins Rookie of The Year

Updated: May 6

Victor Wembanyama just won Rookie of The Year! This isn't very surprising considering he was the 1st draft pick in last year's draft and had very high expectations going into the season.

He is now just the 6th unanimous Rookie of The Year in NBA history, showing just how much better he was than the rest of the rookies.


This season Wembanyama averaged a very impressive:

21.4 Points

10.6 Rebounds

3.9 Assits

3.6 Blocks

1.2 Steals

46.5% of shots made

These are very good stats, especially for a player in their first season on a pretty bad team.

Chet Holmgren?

At the very beginning of the season, there was a debate as to who was the better rookie, Victor Wembanyama or Chet Holmgren. As the season went on it became pretty clear the Wembanyama was better and this debate pretty much went away. Wembanyama ended the season averaging more points, rebounds, assists, blocks, and steals than Holmgren.

To be fair, Holmgren also has other great players, like MVP candidate Shai Gilgeous-Alexander, on his team so he does not have as large of a role or the same opportunity as Wembanyama.

Defensive Player of the Year?

Many NBA analysts believe that Rudy Gobert is going to be named Defensive Player of the Year but many people also believe Wembanyama should win this, and he still has a good chance to.

This season Wembanyama averaged:

3.6 Blocks

1.2 Steals

2.9 Deflections

2.2 Fouls committed

Rudy Gobert averaged:

2.1 Blocks

0.7 Steals

1.6 Deflections

3.1 Fouls committed per game

Of course, it is possible to play good defense without getting these stats, but from these stats alone it certainly looks like Wembanyama is the better defensive player.

If Wembanyama does win Defensive Player of the Year he will be the first rookie to ever win the award.


Overall, Victor Wembanyama is putting up great stats as a rookie, so you can tell he has a very bright future ahead of him. However, he is still on by far one of the worst teams in the NBA so we might not see him make the playoffs anytime soon.


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