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Steph Curry Defeats Sabrina Ionescu in 3-point Contest

Steph Curry just defeated Sabrina Ionescu in a 3-point contest!

Curry is the best 3-point shooter in the NBA, while Ionescu is the best 3-point shooter in the WNBA.

The best score ever in the NBA 3-point contest is by Curry who scored 31 out of a possible 40 points. Sabrina broke this record last year in the WNBA 3-point contest, scoring 37 points, so this year they decided to go head-to-head to see who is truly the better shooter.

In this competition Sabrina scored 26 points, while Curry scored an insane 29, securing him the win.

It is worth noting that the WNBA 3-point line which Sabrina usually shoots from is around 2 feet closer than the NBA line. However, In this competition, she insisted on shooting from the NBA line, because she didn't want any criticism if she won, which is pretty impressive. (She did still shoot with a WNBA ball which is a little smaller than an NBA ball.)

Overall, both Sabrina and Curry are clearly very talented 3-point shooters and players.

This season Curry is averaging:

28 Points

5 Assists

4.4 Rebounds

46.2% of shots made

42.1% of three-pointers made

Curry has the most 3-pointers made in NBA history (3,642) and has the record for 1st, 3rd, 4th, and 5th, most 3-pointers made in a season. He has also won the 3-point contest twice.

Sabrina last averaged:

17 Points

5.6 Rebounds

5.4 Assits

42.3% of shots made

44.8% of three-pointers made

Sabrina has the record for most 3-pointers in a WNBA season and has won the 3-point contest once.

With both players being so great, it will be exciting to see how great Sabrina can become and just how much more Curry can accomplish.

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