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Nikola Jokic Wins MVP!

Nikola Jokic has just won MVP for the 3rd time in 4 years!

He has now won the award in 2021, 2022, and 2024.

After winning the NBA championship last season, Nikola Jokic just had another amazing season, leading his team to the 3rd best record in the NBA.

This season Jokic averaged a very impressive:

26.4 Points

12.4 Rebounds

9 Assists

1.4 Steals

58% Shooting

After a great season, Jokic is somehow playing even better in the playoffs.

So far in the playoffs, he is averaging:

27 Points

15 Rebounds

9.4 Assists

While Jokic is an amazing scorer, he is also one of the best passers in the NBA.

Here are some of his insane passes from this season:

Jokic ended the season 1st in player efficiency,  2nd in total assists, 3rd in total rebounds, and 5th in total points scored.

While Nikola Jokic was well deserving of this MVP award, some are arguing that Luka Doncic should have won the award.

This season Luka averaged an amazing:

33.9 Points

9.8 Assits

9.2 Rebounds

1.4 Steals

49% Shooting

Luka ended the season 1st in the NBA in total points, 3rd in total assists, and 4th in player efficiency.

While he didn't win it this year, there's a good chance Luka could win MVP in the next few years.

Nikola Jokic now has 3 MVP awards, which is more than Steph Curry and Giannis, and just 1 less than LeBron James.

He is the 9th player ever to win MVP 3 times.

It's safe to say he's pretty good.

Jokic and the Nuggets are currently trailing 0-2 in the second round of the playoffs against the Minnesota Timberwolves. We will see if Jokic can help the team make a comeback and lead them to another Championship.


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