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Jalen Brunson Scores 61 Points in Knicks Loss to Spurs.

Although the Knicks lost the game, Jalen Brunson had one of the best scoring performances ever by a Knick last night.


In this game, Jalen Brunson had an insane:

61 Points (career-high)

6 Assists

4 Rebounds

6/6 on Free-Throws

53% of shots made


  • Jalen Brunson now has the 2nd most points ever scored in a game by a Knick, only behind Carmelo Anthony's 62 Points game.

  • Jalen Brunson now joins Allan Houston, Richie Guerin, and Bernard King as the only Knicks with multiple 50+ point games in a single season.

  • Jalen Brunson joins Steph Curry and Rick Barry as the only players ever to have less than 10 free-throw attempts in a 60-point game.

Brunson's season averages are now:

  • 27.9 Points

  • 6.5 Assists

  • 48% of shots made

  • 40% of 3's made

The only other players to ever average these stats in a full season are Steph Curry (MVP season) and Larry Bird (MVP season).

Knicks loss:

Despite Brunson's insane performance the Knicks still managed to lose this game. The Knicks shot 46% overall, which is pretty good, but that's mostly thanks to Brunson.

However, some of the other Knicks shooting in this game includes:

Josh Hart - 30% Shooting

Bojan Bogdanovic - 29% Shooting

Mitchell Robinson - 33% Shooting

Miles McBride - 33% Shooting

Jalen Brunson and Donte DiVincenzo were pretty much the only Knicks to shoot well in this game.

However, the Knicks loss wasn't only because of this.

Spurs rookie Victor Wembanya also had an incredible performance.

He scored a crazy:

40 Points

20 Rebounds

7 Assists

59% of shots made.

Additionally, while both teams seemed to be playing just as physically, the Spurs got 20 more free-throw attempts, which people are not happy about.

Although he had a huge game, what Brunson really cares about is winning.

Jalen Brunson after scoring 61 Points: "It doesn't really matter"

Either way, it was still a very impressive performance.

Brunson full highlights from this game:

"Jalen Brunson, The gift that keeps on giving" - Mike Breen

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